A good thing to have once in a while– breakfast for supper– whether it’s pancakes or eggs & toast.
Golden Potato Fry in Olive Oil w/Herbs & Dandelions ~
~ Skirt in the Kitchen ~
Peel and slice 5 to 7 gold potatoes, place in hot olive oil in a large cast-iron skillet. Immediately add purple (or any kind, purple gives it nice color as well as sharp flavor) chopped onion, 1/4 or 1/2 chopped red bell pepper, chopped poblano pepper, mustard seed, ground cardamom, hot pepper flakes, salt & pepper, fresh herbs of– basil, Italian parsley, marjoram and thyme. Add fresh cleaned, non-sprayed dandelion leaves. Brown to crisp on medium to medium-high heat…
Mushroom-Onion Omelette w/Goat Cheese ~
~ Skirt in the Kitchen ~
In the same cast-iron skillet that you fried potatoes in, deglaze the skillet with white wine vinegar, stirring and scraping the bottom to pick up any particles that will be good to use as part of the seasoning for sauteing in the remaining olive oil purple onion and large sliced mushrooms…
Near the end of sauteing, add minced garlic and fresh thyme.
Per omelet, crack open 3 large eggs; whip with a fork and pour in 1-2 tablespoons milk.
Have a skillet heated with olive oil, hot, before you begin to cook the omelet to prevent the egg from sticking. You want it to “slide-glide” with a spatula to flip right over, nicely. Work the spatula around the complete edge of the skillet before flipping the egg mixture; work it around evenly, gently.
Now flip it.
Once egg has been turned (flipped), immediately add your filling ingredients of any kind. For this recipe, –the sauteed mushrooms and onions. Top with crumbled goat cheese inside, then turn half of the egg for the “lid” of the omelet. Salt and pepper to taste.
Adorn with chives and finely grated Parmesan… eat warm and enjoy your breakfast for supper.
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